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Chieveley Primary School

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Welcome from the Chair of Governors

Welcome to Chieveley Primary School. Each new academic year brings fresh opportunities for both our pupils and staff to flourish and grow. I am a great believer that school should be more than a place to be taught; it should provide an environment which allows pupils to develop their personalities, social skills and empathy, and help prepare them for their next steps in life. For that to happen, the school needs to have the right people and the right culture. I am both proud and confident of the environment Chieveley Primary School has created under the leadership of our Headteacher, Mr Marriott.

At one of the first assemblies of this new school year, my daughter mentioned that Mr Marriott had explained to them who wore the various coloured lanyards at the school and what roles they had; Governors wear yellow lanyards so you will no doubt be able to spot us around the school site and especially at events!

I thought it would be helpful to explain to you why Chieveley has governors, who they are and what role they play. I will keep it snappy as I suspect you have other areas of the website you also want to look at.

As a brief introduction to me, I’ve been a Governor since October 2020 and took over as Chair of Governors in October 2022. I have a daughter at the school and my wife, Caroline, is on the PTA.  I work with an amazing team of Governors and staff and am very much looking forward to the year ahead.

I do my fair share of drop-offs and pick-ups, so feel free to grab me for a chat in the playground or the reception team can always arrange a catch up if that works better for you. 

I very much hope you enjoy the school and the inclusive culture we aim to create.

Very best wishes,

Graham Morrison (Chair of Governors)



 Why does the School have Governors?

The Local Authority requires our school to have a Governing Board. The Board is the school’s legally accountable body and is there to provide a strategic oversight, rather than being involved in the day-to-day operations of the school (that is Mr Marriott’s job!) The instrument appointing the Governing Board is attached below.


Who are the Governors and how are they appointed?

Our Board currently comprises of:





Parent Governors


Voted in by the parents for a four year term.

Sarah Blundell  and 1 vacancy

Co-opted Governors


Appointed to the Board by the other Governors for a four year term. These governors bring specific skills or experience.

Andrew Taylor, Simon Collins, Maria Collins, Victoria Brown, Kate Finch, Richard Parker, Fiona Armstrong, Graham Morrison

Staff Governor


Voted in by staff for a four year term.

Sarah Theunissen

Local Authority Governor


Nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Board for a four year term.

Karin Carter Keall (awaiting approval by Local authority)

Clerk of Governors



Jo Campbell

Head Teacher



Michael Harris


In September 2023, I was very pleased to announce that Fiona Armstrong agreed to join the Governing Board as our Safeguarding Governor, replacing Sally Miles who retired in August 2023. This is a key role and Fiona joins us with a wealth of experience. We pass on our sincere thanks to Sally who had filled the role for the previous 3 years.  


The role of Governor is voluntary and non-paid. As a Board, we undertake a skills assessment to ensure we have an appropriate cross section of skills and abilities to fulfil our mandate. Where we identify a skills gap, we look to co-opted governors who can bring those additional skills. It should be noted that a number of the co-opted governors do not have children at the school, however, take on these roles to provide the school with be benefit of their time and experience. We are extremely grateful to these individuals, as they provide the Governing Board with much greater breadth and depth of knowledge.


We also have our Clerk of Governors, without whom we would not be able to achieve what we do. Jo Campbell is an instrumental part of the Governing Board and ensures we meet our compliance obligations and keep detailed records of Governing Board’s activities. Jo has previously worked for Chieveley as School Business Manager.


How often do we meet?

The Full Governing Board (FGB) meets 7 times a year. In addition we have three working groups, one committee and governors with specific roles (see below) who report to the FGB at each meeting. The Working Groups, Committee and Governors with specific roles work closely with Mr Marriott and the staff during the year to provide oversight and discuss compliance. 


The Governors with specific roles are:


  • Safeguarding (Fiona Armstrong)
  • Inclusion (Simon Collins)
  • Challenge (Sarah Blundell)
  • Health and Safety (Kate Finch)
  • Finance Chair (Rich Parker)
  • Local Authority (Karin Carter-Keall)
  • Staff (Sarah Theunissen)


What do we do?


The Board has three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.


In order to fulfil our mandate, we have a Finance Committee to provide challenge and oversight around how the school spends its money. We also have working groups which focus on the welfare needs of the pupils and staff and also the pupil’s educational development and performance.


With governors representing the Local Authority, parents, wider community and staff, we feel the Governing Board represents all the key stakeholders at the school.


    Structure of the Governing Body

    To ensure effective and efficient management in the school, the governing body has sub-committees and working groups responsible for key areas of the management of the school.


    Sub CommitteesWorking Groups
    Finance Committee
    • Business as usual
    • Curriculum and Development
    • Child and Staff protection & wellbeing
    • Other working groups are formed as necessary


      Sub-committees and working parties report in to the Full Governing Body, which meets at least 6 times a year.  Minutes from these meetings can be requested from the school office.



      Dates of Full Governor Board meetings 2024/25 - all 6pm in school except 29th April


      • 25th September 2024
      • 20th November 2024
      • 29th January 2025 
      • 19th March 2025
      • 29th April 2025 (will be online)
      • 7th May 2025
      • 16th July 2025


      As at 3rd July 2024, the governors and their responsibilities are as follows:



      Appointment body,

      date of appointment and

      term of office

      Committee and Working Group membership

      and responsibilities

      Graham Morrison

      Co-opted Governor

      15/10/20 to 2/7/24

      Chair of governors

      Vice chair of Finance committee

      Victoria Brown

      Co-opted governor

      12/7/17 to 18/7/25

      Chair of Curriculum and development working group


      Carter Keall

      Local Authority governor

      13/8/20 to12/8/24

      Curriculum and development working group

      Vice chair Child and staff protection working group

      Michael Harris


      from 16/4/24

      Finance committee

      Curriculum and development working group

      Business as usual working group

      Child and staff protection working group

      Richard Parker

      Co-opted governor

      29/1/2020 to 19/12/2028

      Chair of Finance committee

      Sarah Theunissen

      Staff governor

      1/10/20 to 2/7/28

      Development working group

      Chair of Child and staff protection working group

      Business as usual working group

      Simon Collins

      Co-opted governor

      21/1/2021 to 20/1/2025

      Inclusion governor

      Curriculum and development group

      Finance Committee

      Kate Finch

      Co-opted governor

      21/1/2021 to 20/1/2025

      Business as usual working group,

      Finance committee

      Health and Safety governor

      Sarah Blundell

      Parent Governor

      12/10/21 to 11/10/25

      Vice chair of governors

      Development working group

      Able students

      Maria Collins

      Co-opted Governor

      23/11/22 to 22/11/26

      Finance committee
      Fiona Armstrong

      Co-opted Governor

      27/9/23 to 26/9/27

      Safeguarding governor

      Child and staff protection working group

      Jo Campbell

      Clerk  appointed 26/3/20

      Clerk to governors 

      Clerk to Finance committee (from 21/7/21)

      Ruth JonesSchool Business Manager (advisor)Finance committee - non voting




      Name of Governor

      Relevant business



      with the

      school staff*

      Victoria BrownNoneNone
      Lucy HislopNoneNone
      Karin Carter-KeallNoneNone
      Michael HarrisEmployee of the schoolNone
      Graham MorrisonWife works for Ernest & YoungNone
      Richard ParkerNoneNone
      Sarah TheunissenEmployee of the schoolNone
      Simon CollinsNoneNone
      Kate FinchNoneNone
      Sarah BlundellShareholder in 100 Percent ITNone
      Maria CollinsNoneNone
      Ruth JonesEmployee of the schoolNone
      Jo CampbellEmployee of the schoolNone
      Fiona ArmstrongNoneNone




      Name of Governor

      Attendance 2023/24

      (meetings attended


      Name of Governor

      Attendance 2022/23

      (meetings attended


      Victoria Brown 9/9Victoria Brown6/6
       Sarah Theunissen6/9Sarah Blundell6/6
      Sarah Blundell8/9Simon Collins5/6
      Simon Collins7/9Karin Carter Keall5/6
      Karin Carter Keall7/9Angus Marriott6/6
      Angus Marriott7/7Sally Miles4/5
      Kate Finch9/9Graham Morrison6/6
      Graham Morrison8/9Andrew Taylor3/6
      Richard Parker8/9Sarah Theunissen6/6
      Andrew Taylor0/4

      Kate Finch


      Fiona Armstrong

      6/9Maria Collins 4/5
       Maria Collins7/9Richard Parker6/6
      Michael Harris4/4  

      GOVERNORS WHO LEFT THE GOVERNING BOARD during academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/24


      GovernorAppointment body, date of leaving
      Sally Milesco-opted resigned 5/8/23
      Andrew Taylorco-opted resigned 24/1/24
      Angus MarriottHeadteacher - resigned 14/4/24