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Chieveley Primary School

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Curriculum & Classes


At Chieveley, our whole curriculum is designed to promote our Futureproof vision. That means we strive to equip children with the knowledge, skills and confidence to thrive in any future.


As a school, we hold the following clear and simple beliefs about education (explained in more detail here):


  • A systematic, “little-and-often” approach helps develop quick recall and fluency (we sometimes call this ‘the pipework’)
  • The whole curriculum should provide practical opportunities for learning
  • The curriculum should provide balance - for example of written/practical work, or of outdoor/technological work
  • Children should be empowered to make reflective choices about their learning - for example deciding which challenge is most appropriate to their level on understanding, or choosing the resources that will support them
  • Appropriate assessment, across the whole curriculum, helps us to identify and support children’s specific next steps
  • We believe in providing an equitable approach to supporting these next steps


Our subject leaders then carefully apply these principles to their own subjects in order to give our children a consistency of approach and opportunity across our whole curriculum. Metacognition (learning to learn) is also woven throughout all of our learning opportunities. We encourage the 5Rs -  risk-taking, resilience, reflection, resourcefulness and relationships - in all our subject areas and treat metacognition as a lifelong skill that is as important as reading or writing. All of the above principles, twinned with metacognition, help our curriculum to develop well-rounded, futureproof children. You can find out more information about each subject area on their subject page below. For more information about how our curriculum changed from September 2023, please see the document below, which was presented to parents in an information session on Wednesday 4 October.


Class Pages

At Chieveley, our classes are named after British birds! As a rule-of-thumb...the bigger the bird, the bigger the children!


On your child's class page (below) you will be able to find class-specific information such as welcome letters from their teachers and termly overviews.
